Depression May Be Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease.

Among a group of 1,028 adults whom researchers monitored for more than five years, those with more severe anxiety and/or depressive symptoms were more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, even after adjusting for traditional risk factors. Journal of Affective Disorders, May 2023

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Manual Therapy Helps COPD Patients Breathe Better.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that makes breathing difficult, and it is a leading cause of death in the United States. A study that included 33 COPD patients found that including muscle energy technique (MET) sessions in a COPD rehabilitation program led to better outcomes with respect to subjective breathing.…

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Older Adults Benefit from High-Intensity Exercise.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort—such as sprinting or stair climbing— separated by intervals of moderate-intensity exercise—such as jogging or fast walking. A study that included 68 physically inactive older adults found that those who participated in an HIIT intervention experienced greater improvement in knee…

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Sleep Behaviors That Increase Stroke Risk.

Using data from the INTERSTROKE study, researchers report the following sleep characteristics are associated with an elevate risk for stroke: short sleep (less than five hours), long sleep (longer than nine hours), poor quality sleep, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, prolonged napping, snoring, and sleep apnea. Neurology, April 2023

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Greenspaces May Help Protect Eyes of Diabetes Patients.

Adding to a growing body of research on the benefits of greenery on public health, an analysis of data from a long-term study that included nearly 60,000 diabetics found that living in a neighborhood with better access to greenspaces is associated with a lower risk for diabetic retinopathy. Environmental Research, March 2023

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Foods to Avoid for Reducing Salt Intake.

The Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences notes that the following foods may be most responsible for excessive sodium intake in the American diet: pizza; bread, rolls, and buns; cold cuts and cured meats; soups; burritos and tacos; savory snacks; poultry; cheese; pasta dishes; burgers; cookies, brownies, and cakes; bacon, frankfurters, and…

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