Insurance & Payment Options
Dr. Youdeem is a preferred provider for most HMO and PPO plans to save you money. Using a preferred provider will reduce your out of pocket expense by lowering your deductible and copays. Depending on your health plan you may have coverage for Chiropractic care. Some plans on this list include ILWU, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna, Kaiser, Scan, United Health Care and Optum Health. Dr. Youdeem is also a Medicare provider. In most cases, we are able to verify your coverage before your visit. We have our own in house billing department so call us with your insurance card in hand and with just a few questions we will let you if you have coverage.
In the event of an automobile related injury you may have medical payment insurance (Med pay) on your auto policy which in most cases will cover the cost of your care. We also accept, check , Mastercard, Visa and cash as payment. Our office may accept a lien in personal injury. We also treat work related injury case. (Making a false or fraudulent worker's compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, which ever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.)