The following conditions may qualify for spinal decompression treatment. As your Spinal Decompression Specialist, Dr. Youdeem will determine you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy. Candidates for spinal decompression therapy include the following:
- Diagnosis of a herniated, bulging or degenerated disc
- Back pain persisting for more than three weeks
- Recurrent pain from a failed back surgery that is more than six months old
- Persistent pain from arthritis
- Patient at least 18 years of age
The following conditions may disqualify a patient for Spinal Decompression treatment. As your Spinal Decompression Specialist, Dr. Youdeem will determine you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy. Candidates that may not qualify for spinal decompression therapy include the following:
- Hardware in the spine such as screws and rods
- Pregnancy
- Prior lumbar fusion less than six months old
- Metastatic cancer (cancer that has spread to the bones
- Grade 3 and 4 spondylolisthesis (Grade 1 or Grade 2 spondylolisthesis are treatable)
- Recent compression fracture of lumbar spine
- Pathologic aortic aneurysm
- Pelvic or abdominal cancer
- Disc space infections
Consult with Dr. Youdeem if you have any questions about the conditions above or to find out if you would qualify for spinal decompression therapy.
Most patients do not experience any major side effects. The most common side effect is a dull, achy soreness for the first week or two as the body becomes accustomed to being stretched and decompressed. Spinal decompression stretches muscles in a lengthening direction which the body is generally not used to. Because of this patients may experience a dull, achy soreness that they often describe as “it feels like I just worked out for the first time in a long time.” Very rarely do patients have an increase in the pain that they came in with.
Patients with acute, severe disc herniations may experience some pain during the first week or two until the herniation retracts back in taking pressure off of the nerves. Acute disc herniation patients tend to experience more “up and down” types of relief from their pain for the first 2 weeks as an acute disc herniation can be slightly unpredictable. Regardless of the mild soreness experienced in the first week or two, most patients experience 50% relief or more of their pain around the end of the second week.
Overall Spinal Decompression Therapy is considered safe and comfortable. The system has emergency stop switches for both the patient and the operator. These switches terminate the treatment immediately if a patient experiences any increase in pain or discomfort during the treatment thereby avoiding most injuries.
In many cases Spinal Decompression treatment is not contra-indicated (withheld due to the harm that it would cause the patient) for patients that have had spinal surgery. In fact many patients have found success with Spinal Decompression even after a failed back surgery. After a failed Laminectomy or Micro Discectomy patients may still respond favorably to spinal decompression. If a patient has had more than 3 laminectomies then the success rate of spinal decompression will go down. If a patient has had surgical fusion with rods or screws or any type of hardware then patients may not qualify for spinal decompression. As your Spinal Decompression Specialist, Dr. Youdeem will determine you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy.
Chiropractic treatment can help a variety Neuromusculoskeletal conditions. These include conditions relating to Disc herniations/ bulges, Joints, Muscles, Nerve, Ligaments, and Tendons issues.
Dr. Youdeem treates patients with herniated disc in neck or lower back, Sciatica, Stenosis, headaches, neck and back pain, numbness and tingling in upper or lower extremities, whiplash, all types of tendinitis conditions, Piriformis Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Injuries, shoulder and hip bursitis, Shin Splints, ankle sprains and more.
Dr. Youdeem takes the multi-disciplinary approach to your health when necessary by referring you to the appropriate health care providers.
The main treatment method of chiropractors is the "chiropractic manipulative therapy" or commonly referred to as an "adjustment". In technical jargon, it is the act of "moving the joints of the spine beyond the individual's usual physiological range of motion using a fast, low amplitude thrust" [THE CHIROPRACTIC ACT, 1991]. This generates a release within the joint which may cause a sound as the movement takes place.
The simple definition:
Doctor of Chiropractic perform adjustments to correct the misaligned or subluxated vertebrae and change the function of the joints of the body. Correcting dysfunction (subluxation) will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help in relieving pain and bringing you to optimum health. The adjustment is usually done by hand. It consists of placing the patient on a specially designed adjusting table and applying pressure, using specialized techniques, to the areas of the spine that are out of proper alignment or that do not move properly within their normal range of motion. During an adjustment the joint is moved past its passive range of motion but not past its anatomical limit. An audible "pop" is often associated with the procedure, which is the consequence of gasses being released within joint fluid. Since every patient is unique, each treatment and each adjustment is unique as well. Your age, size and individual spinal problems will determine which adjustment technique will best put you on the road recovery.
Making specific, corrective adjustments to the spine is not as new as you might think. Accounts of spinal manipulation appear in the writings of ancient Egypt, the Mayan and Incan cultures, and in the literature of Renaissance Europe where practitioners of manipulation were known as "bone setters".
After intensive study and evaluation, government researchers have concluded what millions of chiropractic patients have known for years: Spinal manipulation is a safe and effective form of initial treatment for one of the most common health complaints -- acute low back problems. For over a century, spinal manipulation has been what chiropractors do best. It provides relief from pain without drugs or surgery.
The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), in a milestone study involving a multidisciplinary panel of health care experts, concluded that spinal manipulation is the safest drugless initial form of treatment for acute low back problems in adults. The study also recommended that -- for most cases -- conservative treatment such as manipulation should be pursued before surgical interventions are considered. This study included the participation of (and its conclusions were supported by) the American College of Orthopedic Surgeons.
A recent Harris Poll survey found that patients with back problems were more satisfied with chiropractic treatment than other types of care, and 70 percent of Americans surveyed believe that chiropractic should be included as a basic benefit in their health plans.
In another study, the prestigious Rand Corporation concluded that spinal manipulation was an appropriate treatment for acute low back pain, and reported from its analysis that 94 percent of all manipulations are performed by doctors of chiropractic.
Factors which define the effectiveness and success of chiropractic care include patient satisfaction, and drugless, non-surgical, lower cost treatment for low back pain and related musculoskeletal problems.
A recent study compared traditional medical intervention (NSAIDs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen) to chiropractic adjustments for neck pain. The best evidence indicates that cervical manipulation for neck pain is much safer than NSAIDs by as much as a factor of several hundred times. Further, there was no evidence that NSAIDs were any more effective than manipulation (adjustment) for pain.
Recent argument suggests that chiropractic adjustments are a dangerous intervention, especially adjustments to the cervical spine (neck), but dangerous complications, such as vascular or neurologic accident, occur in very small numbers. The most widely accepted statistics for vascular accidents following neck adjustments is one in 1 million procedures. Complications following low-back adjustments are even more rare.
Another study compared the drug amitriptyline to cervical manipulation for tension headaches, and found that chiropractic patients had a much longer relief and far fewer side effects. Some promising research has been published for manipulation and primary dysmennorhea (menstrual cramps), headache, and many other conditions. The future of research looks very bright, indeed.
Boline PD, et al. Spinal Manipulation vs. Amitriptyline for the Treatment of Chronic Tension Headache: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jour Manip Phys Ther (JMPT) 1995 18:3
Each patient may experience different reactions after their treatment. Depending on severity and type of the condition, a greater number of patients begin to experience some pain relief with their first treatment. Roughly 25% of our patients report aching or soreness in the spinal joints or muscles where they were treated. This is normal natural tissue response to an adjustment which usually does not last more than a day. This reaction rarely is experienced beyond second or third treatment.
Dr. Youdeem will instruct you on how to prevent and reduce the aching or soreness you may experience after your treatment.
Doctors of chiropractic are primary health care providers according to both Federal and State regulations. This means chiropractors can serve as portals of entry into the health care delivery system. Under chiropractic care, a patient is either treated or referred after a comprehensive differential diagnosis is performed utilizing an orthopedic and neurological examination, an X-ray examination if necessary, as well as laboratory procedures if deemed appropriate for the patient's complaint. By consultation and examination, the doctor of chiropractic will arrive at a prognosis under chiropractic care or will refer the patient to an appropriate health care professional specialist.
Chiropractic treatment is primarily used as therapy for Neuromusculoskeletal (nerve, muscle, skeleton or bone) disorders and related conditions, most commonly back pain, neck pain and headaches. Other conditions such as TMJ, overuse or tendentious, bursitis and capsulitis respond very favorably to conservative chiropractic care.
Doctor Youdeem is a highly appropriate resource in matters of work place safety, stress management, injury prevention, postural correction.
There many forms of physiologic therapeutics that may be used in conjunction to your spinal adjustment. We may employ the use of Ice, heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, mechanical (intersegmental) traction and exercise. These procedures will have a specific physiological effect on the body. Their use during the course of the treatment depends upon their specific needs and the goal we want to achieve.
The above mentioned physiologic therapeutics are comparable to what a patient may receive during a physical therapy session, however their use in conjunction with specific manipulations (adjustments) is to remove structural or nervous system irritation that may be the contributing factor in a patient's condition.
Most people seek Chiropractic care due to a Neuromusculoskeletal (involving the nerves, muscles, your skeleton or bones and other supporting structures) condition, exercise can play an important role during and after your treatment. Once your symptoms have diminished or alleviate strengthening exercise become important in the management and prevention of future relapse of the condition.
Regardless of the condition for which you are being treated, improving your posture through spinal exercises should be an important part of your fitness regime. Spinal exercises, correctly performed, are some of the best preventative measures one can take to circumvent back disorders. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of a healthier, stronger spine and better functioning nervous system, you will also look and feel better.
Cardiovascular exercise and proper muscles tone promote a healthier person by reducing stress, decreasing the chance of heart disease and preventing future health problems. Please consult Dr. Youdeem or your medical physician before beginning any cardiovascular fitness or any exercise program.
Approximately half of all pregnancies are complicated by back pain (1). Hormones cause the ligaments to relax and soften and widens pelvic joints. This increased mobility may be noticed in other joints and muscles as well. As the uterus enlarges and expands, the body's center of gravity shifts and may contribute to spinal malfunction resulting in muscle cramps and nerve pain. These changes in the posture puts more strain on the lower back and pelvis and it may manifest itself as lower back pain. About 10% of the time, the pain becomes so severe that it can interfere with your ability to work or carry out normal activities. The neck will also compensate for the changes in the lower spine by moving forward. This results in various symptoms, including headaches, nausea, or insomnia. Some factors that are associated with increased risk of developing low back pain during pregnancy are strenuous work, lifting, bending, child care and a history of low back pain prior to pregnancy.
The most common cause of back pain in pregnancy is malfunction in the sacroiliac joint. This condition is treatable and (especially with treatment) tends to get better after delivery. The sacroiliac joint forms the functional unit of the pelvis that allows normal alternating movement during walking. As the pregnancy advances, hormonal changes prepare the pelvis for delivery of the child by loosening the strong ligaments that control the function of these joints (2). The increased elasticity of these ligaments are necessary for the birth canal to expand as the baby passes through it. However, the associated increase in motion and instability around the sacroiliac joint can also be a source of pain.
Fortunately, simple treatments of manipulation (adjustments) can usually relieve this type of pain and has provided relief and restored function for 91% of patients studied (3). The pain usually subsides soon after delivery and it takes about six-week for the pelvic ligaments to regain their rigidity to be able to support normal weight bearing and motion during normal daily activities.
Remember, the good news is that appropriate treatment can help provide significant pain relief during the pregnancy and, importantly, minimizes the chances of having chronic low back pain after the pregnancy. Chiropractic care is gentle, safe and it can help the pregnant women to have a healthier pregnancy and delivery. It is best to have a check up before you become pregnant. Chiropractic adjustments can be given throughout the pregnancy and directly after your labor and delivery. Chiropractic care will give greater comfort during pregnancy and reduce the need for pain killers during delivery.
Berg G, Hammar M, Moller-Nielsen J, Linden U, Throbald JL: Low back pain during pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 71 (1): 71-5, 1988.
Gariola DM, Tarver RD, Gibson L. Togers RE, Wase JL: Anatomic changes in the pelvis after uncomplicated vaginal delivery: a CT study on 14 women. American Journal of Roentgenology 153 (6): 1239-41, 1989.
Daly JM, Frames PS, Rapoze PA: Sacroiliac subluxation: a common, treatable cause of low-back pain in pregnancy. Family Practice Research Journal 11(2): 149-51,1991.
The American Medical Association permits medical physicians to refer patients to doctors of chiropractic and to similarly accept patient referrals from chiropractors. Many individual physicians have had close professional relationships with doctors of chiropractic for years. The chiropractic profession continues to work towards strengthening inter professional referrals so that the patients may benefit from the best care offered by both types of practitioners.
Our practice is open to referrals from all healthcare professionals. Dr. Youdeem refers patients to their family medical doctor. If you don't have a designated family medical doctor or should you need to see a specialist, our office will help you get to the appropriate health care professional.