Vitamin D Can Improve Pain & Movement in Obese Osteoarthritis Patients.
Vitamin D Can Improve Pain & Movement in Obese Osteoarthritis Patients.
Chiropractors often recommend vitamin D because is a common deficiency and optimum levels are associated with several health benefits. In a new study, researchers analyzed blood samples, surveyed arthritic knee pain, and measured the functional performance of 256 middle age and older adults and found that higher levels of vitamin D may decrease pain and improve function in overweight and obese patients with osteoarthritis. Lead author Dr. Toni L. Glover concludes, “Vitamin D is inexpensive, available over-the-counter and toxicity is fairly rare. Older obese patients with chronic pain should discuss their vitamin D status with their primary care provider. If it’s low, take a supplement [and/or] get judicious sun exposure.”
The Clinical Journal of Pain, January 2015