Essential Oils

Essential Oils. Essential oils, which form the basis of aromatherapy for stress relief, are reported to have a beneficial effect on heart rate and blood pressure following short-term exposure and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. After 45 minutes of exposure, blood pressure dropped by 2.1 mmHg and heart rate by 2.2 beats per…

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No Emails?

No Emails? Being cut off from work email significantly reduces stress and improves focus. Heart rate monitors were attached to computer users in an office setting, while software sensors detected how often they switched windows. People who read email changed screens twice as often and were in a steady “high alert” state. Those removed from…

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Learning and Stress

Learning and Stress. Stressed and non-stressed persons use different brain regions and different strategies when learning. Non-stressed individuals applied a deliberate learning strategy, while stressed subjects relied more on their gut feelings. Journal of Neuroscience, August 2012

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