Did It Move?

Did It Move? If there is no “popping” sound accompanying an adjustment, did the joint move? Try this: “Pop” one of your knuckles and notice how far the joint moves. Try again, and even though the joint moves just as far, there is no sound. So, whether a joint “pops” or not does not correlate…

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What Causes Pain?

What Causes Pain? One possibility is joint pain due to inflammation of tissues between and around the joints. As a person ages, or with trauma (old or new), their joints lose flexibility. As muscles and ligaments tighten and shorten, inflammatory chemicals can become trapped. Over time, the joint complex can degenerate and osteoarthritis may develop.…

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Lack of Motion

Lack of Motion. A joint that is not mechanically stimulated will atrophy, leading to degeneration. However, even passive motion (ex: someone else bending your leg for you) is beneficial to cartilage regeneration. Arthritis Care and Research, 2006

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