Drinking Water Helps Kids Think.
Drinking Water Helps Kids Think.
Could the simple act of drinking water give your child the edge he or she needs to perform better at school than their peers? According to a study published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, the answer may be yes. The study involved 63 third graders who performed a variety of tests designed to measure their executive function skills over a three-day period. The researchers kept track of each child’s food and beverage intake and found that those who consumed the most water were best able to stay on task when presented with difficulties and distractions.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, June 2015
Could the simple act of drinking water give your child the edge he or she needs to perform better at school than their peers? According to a study published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, the answer may be yes. The study involved 63 third graders who performed a variety of tests designed to measure their executive function skills over a three-day period. The researchers kept track of each child’s food and beverage intake and found that those who consumed the most water were best able to stay on task when presented with difficulties and distractions.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, June 2015